Details about ROXY
Category | Information |
Purpose | ROXY (Regression and Optimisation with X and Y errors) is a python package for performing MCMC where the data have both x and y errors. The common approach for this problem is to use a Gaussian likelihood with a mean given by f(x_{obs}, \theta) and a variance \sigma_y^2 + f'(x_{obs}, \theta)^2 \sigma_x^2, but this ignores the underlying distribution of true x values and thus gives biased results. Instead, this package allows one to use the MNR (Marginalised Normal Regression) method which does not exhibit such biases. |
Related community |
Action Dark Energy
Tool type | Software |
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Documentation | |
Author | Deaglan Bartlett |
Publication: | |
Language | Python 3.x |
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